She founded the Debek Agency specializing in the organizing of events involved socially and in Public Relations. Has extensive experience in conducting and coordinating large, prestigious projects in collaboration with international concerns and Polish companies, as well as civil society, representatives of the world of culture, art or media.
In the years 2009-2013, since its inception, was a Polish-Italian Institute of Design and Management VIAMODA, where she was a Managing Director. With the success of the coordinated implementation of the next edition of the postgraduate students “Fashion Management”, “Luxury Brand Management” and “Fashion and Design Trend Forecasting” and organization of the Executive training for industry professionals, as well as workshops in the framework of the School. The creation of the Institute of VIAMODA was a prelude to run (in 2013) VIAMODA University in Warsaw.
In the years 1999-2009 Debek was a member of the Board of Directors of the Jolanta Kwasniewska’s Foundation “Communication Without Barriers”. In 1999, accompanied the Presidential’s Wives Forum and International Conference “Keep Children Smiling in the New Millennium”. She was responsible for the implementation of the eight edition of the competition to “The Butterfly Sign” awards to be companies and institutions which enhance the quality of life of people with disabilities within the framework of the competition for Promotional Emblem “Poland Now”. In the Millenium has implemented and for nine years was the implementation of the program “Butterfly Hospitals for Children”, which has evolved and adopted on a permanent basis in institutions for the protection of the health of the current image of the colorful and kid-friendly. Under the scheme, with the help of hundreds of volunteers, underwent extensive and almost 700 branches and clinics. At the same time, all those years responsible promotion and PR of the Foundation, with whom he has been working as a volunteer to the present day.
During the master’s degree is a member of the National Committee of the International Association of AIESEC Poland and the first in the history of the National Coordinator for the National Career Days.
The founder of the Agency Dębek has the characteristics of a leader, which seeks to build a solid bet in front of you. Looking for unconventional solutions to problems. Feel satisfied, by initiating new ventures bored, boredom and repeatability. He likes people and appreciates working with them, it’s easy to establish and maintain contacts. Quickly take decisions, especially in crisis situations and under time pressure. Flexible, work with passion. Responsibly undertakes to only those tasks, which realistically can meet. A huge joy draws from helping those in need, and thus tries to combine the work of social initiatives.
Mother of Charlie and Clare, the wife of Bartek and the owner of Alfa – russian toy.